Engineer Vidhayak

Engineer Vidhayak


5 ways to Rewire your brain

Life does not always go as planned. Occasionally, crisis strikes – like the COVID pandemic – and leaves you feeling isolated, confused, and worried. While any degree of disappointment is painful, you must seek opportunities at those times.

If something does not work, I prefer to consider it an opportunity instead of just a failure.

Here’s how to reset your thoughts to create the insights to tackle these losses.

A Chance for a Fresh Start

One of the miracles of our society is how quickly we continue to evolve. Even when it appears as though we are not progressing, there are several possibilities for us to take action. What’s remarkable is that all this has nothing to do with our maturity or academic level. All you need to do is develop new skills and talents.

1. Discover the Opportunity:

When an issue arises, our attention tends to be drawn to it. Rewire your thoughts by performing the following:

Get new ideas –It’s critical to overcome present constraints before taking on new ones. Because boundaries describe your current existence, you can alter your life just by changing your viewpoint of these boundaries. By reshaping your vision, you can find simple activities that can modify your approach to situations. Self-esteem, confidence, and motivation are all important factors.

  • Identify the difficulties you are facing –

These are new roads that you must explore to continue on your journey. Rather than focusing on the issue, consider how you can find to resolve the problem as you continue the journey.

2. Plan Your Advancement:

You will sense what you’d like to do if you understand your values and opinions in life. For instance, when I initially began dating my wife, my primary aim is to make her happy. After my marriage, my priorities switched to ensuring her happiness and being available for my children. Although I spent more time helping them financially through hard work, I considered it the best.

Make a list of your priorities and values. Once you’ve determined your potential, it’s a matter of balancing long-term objectives with more manageable short-term goals that you can focus on month after month.

3. Make Investments and Prioritize Tasks:

Next, make sure you spend your time and attention on the ideas and objectives that will shape your new reality. Concentrate on the tasks at hand and make each one count. Making deadlines can also help you organize your tasks.

4. Motivate Yourself And Develop Positive Habits:

Even with all of these improvements, none will be effective unless you have vital positive factors and practices. Goal setting, regular analysis, and perseverance are essential. Also, having specific and personal motives for doing something helps build a habit.

For instance, I suffered from extreme back pain for years as a result of awkward postures. I’ve significantly reduced my back discomfort (and balance) by stretching my back and strengthening my back muscles daily. I started practicing these workouts to stay up with my babies and be a part of their upbringing.

Even if things don’t turn out the way you had expected, that doesn’t mean the journey is finished. I feel that we can never be entirely stuck in our life. There is always something you can find to make a difference.

With this technique, I advise you not to waste your life or give up when troubles arise. It’s possible if we put our minds to it.

Reading Munshi Premchand part 1 ( गृह दाह)

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